Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2003 ~ Pohnpei

Beginning with my June 2008 post "It's Been Five Years," the following is the continuing story of my travels from the United States into Micronesia ~ Pohnpei, Guam and Saipan ~ and my life since June 2003.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003 ~ Pohnpei

"Kaselehlie" (kah-seh-leh-lee-uh)!!! (Pohnpeian for "Aloha"):

Well, I've arrived. Much to share. Internet connection out here is awful. Awful. Dial-up connection only for the whole island, if not the whole country. Probably won't get a chance to send pictures before getting a place and a phone line of my own. I'm at the office right now.

Today is house hunting and car shopping. I'm in a primitive but comfortable hotel right now. It has AC and cable TV, and a great view of one of the rivers that run through the island. I've stayed in worse, in Israel.

The place here is incredible, scenically. Remember when Dorothy steps out of her black & white house from Kansas into technicolor Oz? Like that. The pictures I'll send with my $40 digital camera from Wal-Mart won't do it justice. The people here are small; men my size, women overweight for the most part, but pretty eyes and smiles.

Still adjusting to travelling 10.5 hours yesterday, travelling 8.5 hours the day before, and an 8 hour time difference. We're 8 hours behind and a day ahead here. I woke up around 1 a.m. today, which would be about 9 a.m. CST.

Very humid here. People extremely friendly. The Attorney General has been talking me up to his national police force about being some kinds of martial arts expert. That's all I need. Actually, I'm rather intrigued at working out with these guys.

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