Thursday, July 17, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2003 ~ Pohnpei

Beginning with my June 2008 post "It's Been Five Years," the following is the continuing story of my travels from the United States into Micronesia ~ Pohnpei, Guam and Saipan ~ and my life since June 2003.

Friday, August 8, 2003 ~ Pohnpei

Lynn's mother arrived yesterday. It took two cars and a truck to take her and the people she brought with her and the big cardboard boxes of stuff she brought and all the people who came to meet her home. She brought Lynn's oldest, Brinnet, plus two babies, plus all these packages, and someone I think is Lynn's half-sister with her. When I was introduced, I said "Kasalehlie mein," which is "Hello, ma'am (or sir)." She said "Kasalehlie. Irrrum?" Which is "Hello, How are you." I still can't remember the correct response to that, so I said "Mwau," which means "Good."

Lynn wanted me to drop by the sakau bar her uncle owns after work, but I felt it'd be more proper for the family to by themselves, as I'd be the only mehn why there, and I needed a little time alone to collect thoughts. I wound up giving a colleague a lift home and stayed with them a few hours. We ordered Chinese from a little restaurant down the way, and after about an hour they delivered it, on foot. Tremendously pretty little Chinese girl/woman. It's the first time I've had Chinese food since I've been here. Pretty good.

My colleague Anthony, is chief of litigation (there's only three of us that litigate for the whole country). His wife, Marianne, is wild. She was in an accident some years ago. She stays at home all day and drinks beer ("behru") all day. Very opinionated, strong-willed.

They're both odd, but good together. They adopted a little Pohnpein girl, just beautiful kid. The birth family still keeps in touch and drops by and asks for money and such. She was scribbling with crayons last night and I took one and made a sketch of her face in purple crayon.

K'nease was at their house when we came. Spends a lot of time over there when the AG is not around. He just bums booze and smokes, a real mooch. It's really annoying. To my sensibilities, anyway. You have to learn to say "no" but it's hard, because that's just not exactly the culture here. My friend Peter has borrowed $20 a couple of times before payday, but he's always paid me back. I gave K'nease a ride home from Anthony and Marianne's. They live in Kolonia, I'm in Awak Pah (lower Awak) which is about 10 minutes away. K'nease has a title, Samisun (sp?). It's apparently a fairly low rank, but a title nonetheless. I much prefer him in Lynn's company than in the company of Mehn why. He communicates much better and is far more interesting when he is among fellow Pohnpeins.

Anthony's resume' is quite interesting. He worked as a litigator for the FDIC for many years, for Legal Aid in West Virginia before that. He's travelled to South America many times, loves archaelogical ruins, is a good lawyer, quite smart. He renewed his contract recently, but is job-hunting. Just sent off a resume' to be the head of banking and finance for New Zealand. It pays about $25,000 US, but you have to figure in the low cost of living and no U.S. taxes. He's 54.

Lynn was their housekeeper. Marianne threw us together and then just stopped using Lynn to clean their house. Very, very odd. Unexplainable, and I can't inquire, as it's not my place, to speak on Lynn's behalf with Marianne through Anthony. Anyway, Lynn found another housekeeping job recently, with a Pohnpein family.

I think last night was the first night since Lynn and I have been together that I've slept alone. I left the guitar on the futon and when I'd move my leg and touch it, I thought it was her. Actually, not the bed, but the borrowed futon. Lynn and I prefer it. It always felt so damp before, but I have a blanket on top of it, and that makes it feel fine. Otherwise, just a sheet, and the fans blowing, and I sleep fine.

Time to shower and get on to work. As usual, I spend more time writing than I originally intend.

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