Beginning with my June 2008 post "It's Been Five Years," the following is the continuing story of my travels from the United States into Micronesia ~ Pohnpei, Guam and Saipan ~ and my life since June 2003.
Sunday, August 30, 2003 ~ Pohnpei
I woke up around 3:45 a.m. A little earlier than usual, but not by much. Dogs are barking, but that didn't wake me up. I just woke, and decided to get up.
I am pretty sure my mother and sister would be very cool with Lynn, and would make her feel welcome were I to bring her to the States. But I don't know how well she'd adjust to life there. I can't imagine her being happy there in the long run. Family ties too strong here, despite all the crap she gets from them for being selfish and being with me.
Dogs barking. Kind of unusual this time of the morning. Maybe it's time to eat one.... The crows are crowing, too. That's not unusual. They crow all the time.
Lynn's mother was doing OK for awhile, But Lynn says her mother's still ill in some way. Getting straight answers about questions like that is a bit hard. Getting straight answers from people around here, or just getting the information you need volunteered isn't easy. I'm learning. (I say that a lot.)
But speaking of her mother reminds me of a "Beverly Hillbillies" epsisode, where Granny speaks of this great remedy for a cold: All these potions and elixirs, and things to consume and do, and 12 days later, "voila," you're healed! Duh! (As Lynn would say), By then, it's run its course. I'm no skeptic when it comes to local remedies, but whatever she has, should have been over by now.
@#$$%%^ dog still barking. It's 4:17 a.m. The dogs here are too stupid to be of any value other than meat, and protection. There's a small pack forming near my home, that's menaced me once or twice. I need a staff if I'm to walk anywhere.
No word yet on the AG getting confirmed. Maybe tomorrow, or next week. The hurry-up-and-wait on this has him on edge, and Paul has shown it inadvertantly or inappropriately at times. I'm sure I would too. He's a real sensitive guy. Very loving, caring. When we went to the waterfalls the other day, the landowner of the property wanted to charge the mehn why $3, and the locals $1. My boss refused out of principle at the discrimination, and was beginning to make a scene ~ that the attorney general for the whole country would be discriminated against in this way. Lynn and I just wanted some peaceful time, we'd driven so far, and Paul finally relented (I'd have paid the lousy two bucks; I didn't care), and on the way back apologized to the landowner for his rudeness. The mehn why here who've been here a while fight over a dollar or two, but you kind of have to, to set limits and boundaries.
Dog still barking. Will have to speak to the owner. Justino Gusto. He owns this little store on the road, a stone's throway away. Cigarettes, soda, Ramen noodles, Spam. Not much else. Little places like that all over the place. Good people.
I am reminded of the myth of Icarus. From Greece. The story of a boy whose father made wings to fly from feathers and wax. And Icarus flew too high to the sun, and the wax melted, and he fell into the sea. Those images are in my mind these last couple of days. Highs so high, and then the fall... But...Lynn and I are really happy. It's very hard for us, because her family makes it so hard on her and she is torn between me and her family responsibilities. But she's trying, very hard. And I want to, too.
!@#$%^ dog!!!
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