Saturday, May 31, 2008

03-25-08 ~ UN-ORIGINAL THOUGHTS ON THE FIRST AMENDMENT (Hey, I didn't invent the thing.)


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

When you're already in the majority, it may be difficult to fathom why anyone would need the protections of the establishment clause of the first amendment. Or why you should even care.

First they went after the Communists,
and I did not stand up, because I was not a Communist.
Then they went after the homosexuals and infirm,
and I did not stand up, because I was neither.
Then they went after the Jews,
and I did not stand up, because I was not a Jew.
Then they went after the Catholics,
and I did not stand up, because I was Protestant.
Finally, they went after me,
and there was no one left to stand up for me.

Pastor Martin Neimoller, 1945
German Evangelical (Lutheran) Church

If you are in the majority, imagine what it might be like not to be. And if you're still having difficulty with that, keep thinking about it.

Oh, the Protestants hate the Catholics
And the Catholics hate the Protestants,
And the Hindus hate the Moslems,
And everybody hates the Jews.

But during National Brotherhood Week,
National Brotherhood Week,
It's National Everyone-Smile-At-One-Another-Hood Week.
Be nice to people who
Are inferior to you.
It's only for a week, so have no fear;
Be grateful that it doesn't last all year!

Tom Lehrer, 1965
"National Brotherhood Week"
from the album "That Was the Year that Was"

Trite it may be, but as true today as when it was proposed, the first amendment protects the minority from the tyranny of the majority.

None of this is original. When I have something new to say, or a new way to say what's been said before, you may hear from me again.

"Can't we all just get along?" Rodney King, 1992

Finally, to those who argue the issue should be decided by majority rule, I can only say this: The establishment clause may not be popular with the majority in this country, but then, the majority has never needed its protections.

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