Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Monday, December 29, 2003 ~ Guam

Beginning with my June 2008 post "It's Been Five Years," the following is the continuing story of my travels from the United States into Micronesia ~ Pohnpei, Guam and Saipan ~ and my life since June 2003.

Monday, December 29, 2003 ~ Guam

Lynn’s mom and family live in a two bedroom apartment in a part of Guam called Tamuning. I lost count at eleven or twelve with all the people coming and going, but Lynn’s mom and “husband” live there together with Lynn’s two older sisters, and their boyfriend/husbands and at least three children belonging to Lynn’s oldest sister, plus a brother of Lynn’s, plus an uncle or cousin or I don’t know what family relation, all living in one apartment, cooking off of one butane gas stove, with a rice cooker always being replenished and rarely empty. I guess we would call it slum living where I’m from, and I don’t understand why they would prefer living here in such conditions to Pohnpei, where there is more room to stretch out. But Lynn’s people are used to living in very cramped and confined quarters, everyone sleeping on the floor wherever they can. They say they come here to work and save money so they can go back to Pohnpei one day, but I don’t see anyone living above subsistence level or being able to save money in any meaningful way. I don’t understand what they think they’re doing here.

Lynn’s family keep to themselves and other Pohnpeians. Lynn’s oldest sister has three children with a Guam local, Chamorro they’re called, but she’s sleeping with someone else, of Palauan descent, I understand. And she’s never around. Everyone is friendly enough to me, trying to make me comfortable, knowing I’m uncomfortable sleeping on the floor, showering in cold water, being in such close surroundings with so many people. A dozen people sharing two bedrooms, all their belongings piled everywhere, with one bathroom and no hot water. I just got here and am just passing through, and Lynn asks if I can help out with groceries. I suppose it’s the least I can do.

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